Thursday, December 18, 2008

The New Chapter Awaits...

It's all over.

Primary school. Finished.

There was lots of laughter, lots of tears. I joined in blindly. Now it's just...over.

It took me a long time to get home - I went to every part of the school, trailed my fingers along the fences and walls, twirled around every pole like I did when I was little. I closed my eyes and ran through every memory I had as a child.

I don't think the book is closed, in that sense. I've turned the page over, begun a new chapter. The next episode in the most enthralling and exciting saga I know of - life.

Life as I knew it isn't gone, it isn't a book put back on the shelf - it's a chapter that is hidden by a new page. I'll never have the thrill of reading each word, experiencing each event as they come again, but every now and then, I can flip back to the beginning of the book and relive a few moments. The world hasn't closed on me - it's opened up even more.


  1. I think it takes alot of bravery to accept that.
    It just hit me in the final minutes, and I was choking back tears, because all this familiarity would be gone, and suddenly wanted to wind my life back and become friends with EVERYBODY, because I would never get to see them again.
    Ugh, I'm getting teary.

  2. Can you list me as a team member so I can comment on SIMH?
    I won't write if you don't want me to.
