Monday, June 15, 2009

Things that Annoy Me.

Do you know what really annoys me? Stupid children. Not the ones that actually have a mental illness, they're okay, but I can't stand the ones that are just plain thick. Children, by definition, should be intelligent and inquisitive, and ask sensible questions out of curiousity. The only children who have the right not to do so are the ones who have autism or dementia or Down's Syndrome or whatever. Children that are thick and slow and ask stupid questions over and over again because their brain just can't wrap around the simplest things of life drive me crazy. Seriously. Mad.

Do you know what else annoys me? Teachers. Teaching is not something you do because you can't get another job, but that's what it is here. People who don't even pass high school are teaching the next generation - what is this world coming to? Teachers complain they don't get any respect, but seriously, most of them don't deserve it. Like my year coordinator who talks like Tigger on crack or my ******* teacher who looks like an albino orangutan. They think they're dictators, not teachers. They take no joy in teaching and we don't get any joy from learning, because we don't learn anything from them except what not to do.

You know what else annoys me? People who tell you off for doing something and then go ahead and do exactly what they told you off for. People do that to me all the time. What, just because I'm fat and Asian means that I can't do things that you can? Well, newsflash, everybody! I CAN.

And people who think I show off. For once and for all, I DO NOT SHOW OFF. I am the most insecure person I can think of and I've heard about Lily Allen. I don't show off, but I don't lie. What is the point of going around saying you're good at nothing if you're bloody good at something? Everyone else gets to go around saying 'look at me I'm so damn brilliant' and I'm not allowed to say 'hey I can write but I can't do anything else' in my head.

And all those movies who follow one of two storylines - guy gets the girl and saves the world, or poor girl with an evil stepfamily gets married to a prince and lives happily ever after. Seriously. When does that ever happen? Guys just don't have the brains, or the guts, to save the world - and who would want to hook up with someone that wears his underpants over his pants, which are actually tights he stole from the fat ladies lingerie store? And since when do poor girls with evil stepfamilies ever marry princes? And who wants to marry a prince anyway? Princes are ugly pompous bastards and normal boys are even worse - they fry your head and poach your heart and then say it's all your fault. Boys take everything and give nothing back. They want to know everything and they tell you nothing. They expect you to fall head over heels in love with them and then laugh at you because you're fat and ugly. Men created the Genesis, who blamed everything on women, oh, yes, the women did this, the women did that, lets burn them, behead them, drown them in the river, if something's not right they just can't take it, and if we can't fix it we get the blame, and even if we can they'll get all the fame. God is a man, Jesus is a man, everyone of note is a man, and all female saints obey men. What is it with men? I wouldn't mind if men were angels, but they're not. They're demons from hell who break hearts and destroy lives.

But the absolute worst are the people that say that I make excuses. Most of my excuses are legimate reasons, they just can't get their stupid nonexistant brains around it. I've always done something bad, always. They just can't take it if I've done something good. I'm always in the wrong. They just have to make it out that I'm lying to them, that I've cheated them, that somehow they've ended up worse off. And the very tiny percentage of my 'excuses' that are actual excuses, who cares? Everyone makes excuses - all the time. So why do I have to be the little angel that doesn't? I never pretended to be perfect, so why do they expect me to be? Why does everyone else get let off the hook and I'm in the spotlight - the wrong spotlight?

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