Thursday, July 30, 2009

Dem Hypocrites called ADULTS.

Adults only like science when it involves abusing kids 'in the name of education'. You know, stupid things like periodic tables and the anatomy of an atom and all those psycho things that we'll never need to learn, but they make us learn anyway. When it comes to science that actually might make our lives a bit easier, they turn a deaf ear. 'Stop making excuses' they say. 'That's not proper science'.

But, you see, it's scientifically proven that the teenage body clock is wired differently to a child's - as we physically mature, we are programmed to fall asleep and wake up earlier - amazing, isn't it! Not really. We've known it for ages. So have adults, only they choose to ignore it.

So trying to get to sleep at nine and waking up at six is really going against the grain - seriously. Tossing and turning in bed, wide awake, while you could be doing something useful, is just weird. Trying to catch a bus and concentrate at school whilst fighting the urge to fall asleep is just plain stupid. No self-respecting adult does that. No self-respecting teenager does that either.

See, that's science. If they want me to like science, well, I'll bloody like science. But I like this science too. It's not my fault if they don't.

And male teachers. They don't let girls out for toilet breaks, and they blow their top every time we lose our temper. I mean, if we blew our tops every time *they* lost their tempers we might as well keep our tops permanently off (hah, nice imagery. I didn't mean it like that). It's called flipping PMS dude, and men are ***king lucky they don't get it. The least they could do is respect us.

And, worse, my year co-ordinator thinks he's the *exception*. He makes up all these crazy rules that everyone has to follow, except him. He walks around, breaking all the rules, talking on his phone, leaving the classroom and being disorganized to boot, and he says it's okay because he's the excpetion.

Based on this investigation, and with the results gathered in this experiment, I conclude that my hypothesis is correct and that all adults are hypocrites!

Everything that goes wrong, adults blame on kids. Why can't they take their own advice, and do what they tell us to do: take responsibility and quit making up excuses. Do you know how many times I get told that? Millions of times. A day. Every time I say that to adults, they blow their top. What? They're allowed to say 'bleurgh I'm feeling a little off today' and I'm not allowed to not function at choir because it's at four and that's my FEED ME OR DIE time?

I rest my case. Adults are hypocrites.

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