Sunday, August 09, 2009

Anti-Bullying Campaigns.

Anti-bullying campaigns piss me off.

You know why?

Because they're so cheesy and bubbly that they're more degrading than helpful.

Don't bully kids, it's not okay!
Bullying is naughty. Don't do it.
Only bad people bully, children. Good children work together and are happy!

What. The. Buck.

I get bullied. A lot. But adults just think it's a joke, or else they're seriously out of the loop. Do they really think they're going to enlighten teenagers with cheesy slogans like 'Only naughty people bully'? It's really degrading that the only people supporting people who get bullied are no-brainers.

Another ironic thing - most of these campaigns are run by teachers. Do you know how many teachers have tirelessly abused me throughout my entire schooling? These stupid campaigns don't even work on teachers, let alone students. My year co-ordinator made up the anti-bullying policy in our school, for chrissakes, and the moment he came back from watching the stupid Ashes he was interrogating me in his office, yet again.

What is the world coming to?

For one, they should change the word for bully. Bully sounds so stupid - its not a word that is taken seriously, like genocide or suicide. I mean, it's a big thing.


  1. Hey G.
    You need to hear this. It's Yiruma's version of Bella's lullaby.

  2. Well said.
    The reason I hate them is because if you followed their advice something like this would happen:

    Bully: Hey you fugly wimp, teacher's pet are we?

    Kid: I don't like they way you're talking to me. It makes me feel sad.

    Bully: Aww... punches kid in face
