Sunday, August 16, 2009

Bloody Righteousness

There are always three different types of people in a movie, drama, or book. The evil people, the good people, and...the righteous people.

Righteous people annoy me. Especially the ones in movies and dramas and books. Why? Because they're never bloody right. They rampage around doing all sorts of stupid things 'because it's right' and you just feel like screaming 'WHAT THE F**K ARE YOU DOING???'

At least, that's what I feel like doing.

Righteous people are the people that are even more annoying than evil people, because they're too dimwitted to be good or bad, so they're the annoying in-betweens that get in the way. I hate dumb people more than I hate smart people. You can't even call them evil because they're not even that.

Why do people include these kind of people in stories? It slows the whole thing down to an annoyingly slow pace. They want to know everything but they can't tell them anything because they're so stupid so they make things up and do everything wrong and...

Gah. I'm getting worked up. It's late.

Do you guys get annoyed by stupid people too? I know I really shouldn't, but they really bug me. Especially when they're not actually stupid, but they act like they can't comprehend anything. I don't hate people who are like, born with mental incapacities, like mental illnesses or birth defects or whatever, because I was born with problems and I know what it's like. But normal people that act dumb get on my nerves. If you don't have a medical excuse to be dumb, then don't be dumb. Simple.


  1. I do(get pissed at stupid people who are stupid for no reason)!!! Especially because there are so many of them. Admittedly, it may just seem that way to me because I'm a certfied genius, but still. And also, I think part of it is that I'm American. And most of the poulation of the US is really really stupid.

  2. Since you've never BEEN dumb/stupid/watev, how would you know that their being dumb for no reason? Wouldn't that be being slightly shallow?

  3. I think I just heard the dumbest thing.
    I was making garlic bread and my cousin asked me why I was putting garlic in it.

  4. No. I'm not being shallow. I know that they're not just acting dumb because I have known people who are actually quite intelligent but pretend to be idiots to fit in. Which is extroardinarily stupid. Furthermore, most of the time when I say this, I mean a complete and total lack of common sense, not an IQ lower than mine.

  5. Oh, that kind of dumb. The 'fitting-in' dumb, yeah I get that.

  6. I don't get annoyed people acting stupid- I tend to just stay away from them so they can't get on my nerves.
    What REALLY agitates the hell out of me is people that don't seem "normal" if you kind off catch my gist.. they don't fit in the best, the act weird, they're boring..
    especially those that try to tag along you and think they're your "friend"
    They don't take to reality very well , wouldn't notice if your gestures and actions show you don't like them very much.
    Those people I hate

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