Monday, August 24, 2009

Myth Debunking.

10 Weird Things About Me That Are True:

1. Yes, I do actually love English.
2. Air hostesses give me the creeps. I think it's to do with the fact that they're more polite to me than any other human being (or dog) ever are, and the fact they always miss me when they come around with the coffee.
3. I am a carnivore. Real women eat steak.
4. I am (no lie) a princess. A minor princess. A minor princess from a now-defunct royal family, but a PRINCESS NONETHELESS!!!
5. I used to be a diehard Star Wars fan. I am now a semi-diehard Star Wars fan. Get over it.
6. I have this irrational fear that if I don't order enough to eat at restaurants that I'll 'run out before I'm full'.
7. I also get very possessive over my food, and I always get worried someone will steal my share when sharing pizza.
8. I actually like reading cookbooks and those cooking shows. I don't know why.
9. It's always pissed me off when celebrity chefs on TV hold things up to the camera for us to smell. I'm just like, sure, I'm totally going to smell that from here.
10. I've always hated it when my primary school teachers say 'if you finish this math off real quick we'll go outside and do some extra sport'. I haven't quite figured out how that would be a reward - it's more a punishment or torture for me.

10 Weird Things About Me That Are Not True

1. I am not fat. I am five foot three and a half, almost fourteen, fifty kilos, and a size nine (size 5 in America). Not fat.
2. I have not read every single book on the planet. I read a lot, but I haven't actually read a lot of books - I read the same books over and over and over...
3. I have never pretended to be good at maths. Or that I like maths. My race does not reflect my math scores.
4. I do not think that God is stupid. I think if you believe in God that's a very good thing, and you are more religious than I could ever dream to be. I just think, in my case, it's better for me not to believe in God. Because if I did, God would have a lot to answer to.
5. I do not believe in female supremacy. I just believe in gender equality and the advocation of women's rights. If you didn't understand all of that, then don't worry. You don't need to.
6. I do not believe that all men are dumb.
7. I do not believe that most men are dumb.
8. I only think that a small, tiny amount of men are dumb. But nonetheless, smal amount of men or not, there are still dumb men in the world.
9. I am not some psycho know-it-all genius. I am actually quite dumb. My math IQ is absolutely pathetic - barely above average.
10. I am not really religious. I am kind of Buddhist, but I don't believe in karma. I believe if you want payback, you need to avenge yourself. Nobody is going to get revenge for you.


  1. Yeah, but the thing that creeps me about air hostesses is that they always mistake me for a malaysian/ thai/ whatever kid, and talk in ' insert foreign language here'.

    Anyway, how are you?

  2. lol and air hostesses always smile creepily, like clowns, you never know if they're about to pull out one of those cheap plastic knives (only ones allowed on a plane) and stab i just scared myself...

  3. i hate airhostess' that wake you up for breakfast when you've finally got to sleep at 4am
    and the food they serve is horrible too (but i guess thats not their fault)
