Sunday, August 30, 2009

Writer's Block

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. It's not like I haven't tried - believe me, I have started so many articles, but not published them.

Do you know why?

It's kind of stupid really. Writer's block.

I get writer's block all the time - and it is bloody annoying. It's like having a cold and you've run out of painkillers and flu tablets and you can't be bothered going out to get the drugs, so you wait around all day waiting impatiently for the sicky to go away. I get little flickers of good writing - a witty phrase, or an intelligent sentence - but not enough for a proper blog post. That's really annoying. If I really wanted to, I'd to all those anti-block exercises - like look at a lamp and just write about it - but I don't have time - or the age old just-force-yourself-to-write-and-something-good-will-eventually-come-up exercise, because it doesn't work - especially for blogs, because reading an uninspired blog post is pure torture.

And, because I've just watched My Sister's Keeper, I'm going to launch an ethical debate that could go on forever. This is the topic:

A mother of a girl who is dying of leukemia is told that if she has a second, test tube baby, that baby can save her sister's life, but the baby's life will be limited in some ways - she will have to be careful not to physically overexert herself, she would have to be in and out of hospital doing dangerous operations for her sister, and when she grows older, she wouldn't be allowed to drink or fall pregnant. Without this test tube baby, the leukemia girl will most likely die.

The mother agrees to go ahead and engineer the leukemia girl's saviour, her own personal set of spare parts. Is this wrong?

Please put in your opinions and arguments in the comment section, and feel free to debate with each other. In a civilized manner, of course.


  1. Is she not allowed to overexert herself/ drink etc because she is a test tube baby or because she won't have proper body parts?

  2. It's because she has to give one of her kidneys to her sister. Theoretically, you can survive on only one kidney, but then neither of them would be allowed to do physically strenuous things, drink or fall pregnant, because all of these things put lots of strain on the kidneys.

  3. Hang on, so she 'has' to give one of her kidney's to her sis? She doesn't have a choice?

  4. No,she doesn't get a choice. That's the whole point of the book. Because she is a minor, her parents can make all medical decisions for her. So she's essentially forced into doing it.

  5. Can't she get emacipated or something, and am I spelling that right?

  6. That's the whole plot of the story. This girl wants medical emancipation from her parents, although she needs to take this to court because it is illegal for a minor to be medically emancipated unless a judge makes an exception. Her parents, particularly her mother, simply cannot comprehend why she does this, because she just thought that her youngest daughter would automatically want to help her older sister.

  7. hmm, i think that if the mother would have had another child if the 1st wasnt ill, then it would be okay, but the daughter should have a large say in the things they do with her organs/health, once she is old enough to comprehend the situation thouroghly.
