Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Arwen Burns

Thanks to my stalkerific gadgets, I've found out that most of the Americans who stop by have all come from google after searching 'arwen burns'.

Out of pure curiousity, can someone please tell me what that is all about?



  1. I have no idea.

    Oh, and about your optimistic post - I didn't read it because I was busy, silly bear. That's why I didn't have time to read any of your posts until a few days ago.

    Anyways, don't feel like you have to prove anything.

    Arwen Burns? Never heard of him. And would you please re-add me to your other blogs? Don't forget now.



    Oh, and it might annoy you, but would you pretty please with a maraschino cherry on top go back to the comments on "Yeah...sorry about the enormous time gap." It might clarify a bit more of what I meant.

  2. Oh, and I meant prove anything about "how much you love life" and all. I don't need proof - I just want to get the feeling that you're happy. A black-and-white list of what you like isn't going to cut it, I'm afraid. You don't even have to tell me how happy you are. I just want to know that you're happy. It'll help me rest easier.

  3. I was thinking it had something to do with The Lord of the Rings, because Arwen is a major character in that book.

  4. My theory:
    one american person finds ur site, puts in on google, tells his/her friends to search arwen burns& go on ur site(?)
    dunno, but it was fun thinking that up.
