Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Hello World.

Hello World,

This is me. I am a woman.

The feminist movement is still alive, and modern society is crushing it. Why? Because they think it should be over. That the war is won.

But the war is not won! The world does not see the gross inequality that still stands today. Only rarely do you hear tales of *men* being slighted and raped and murdered in their beds, yet these stories are of every day occurence as far as *women* are concerned.

When men think of women's rights, they think of their bosses, their managers - some of which may be female. They see this as sufficient evidence of the success of the suffragette movement. But it is not! They do not think of the suppressed women in Afghanistan and other places, they do not think of the discrimination that still exists, even in the most refined streets of the most sophisticated societies. They do not think of the tremendous pressures of the ever-raising benchmarks set by men of the impossible Image of Beauty that we are all forced to conform to.

And then there are those other men, who think that a woman's place is grovelling on their knees at the feet of men, forever at their beck and call, forever the slaves of the opposite sex. One day, when your miserable life is over, then God, or Karma, or whatever you believe if you are human enough to believe, will make you live once again, but as a woman. Then you will see how pleasureable it is to be enslaved by those who should be our equals.

There are also women, who oppose our fight for freedom. Some are brainwashed by the evils of some members of mankind, and others wrongly believe that feminists mean to control the world! We do not strive for something that would surely spell catastrophe. We have had many millenia dictated by one sex, and we need not endure another millenia dictated by the other. We strive to move forwards into an equal and glorious future, man and woman, hand in hand. Feminists, my sisters, believe in equality for all - man, woman, black, white. It is ignorance, evil, and cruelty that keeps womankind always a step behind the snobbish noses of men. The feminist movement is now larger than ever. We have not only strong and brave women, but also the aid of some men who have come to their senses, to fight against the long and inhumane disregard for the most basic of human rights. The right to live, the right to die. The right to work, the right to rest. The right to freedom, the right to happiness, the right to power, to authority, and to a home. The right to love, and to be loved. Let all these rights be shared by all.

I am a woman, a proud woman, a wronged woman. I would gladly die for my cause. And if I do, I will watch from Paradise as all those who turned against me are burned in the Flames of Hell.

My English course this semester is Public Speaking, and I think it's rubbed off on me a bit. Any feedback on my speech would be absolutely fabulous.


  1. I personally think the feminist movement is partially corrupt. Men and women were NOT created equal. Women were created with high hearing frequency and men with strength and endurance. Men were built for athletic fields and strength competition. Women were meant to yield and feed babies, it is only with the introduction of technology has our purpose changed. I believe that men are better built than females and yes I am a masculinist, and yes I am also female. signed X

  2. Dear X,

    I am not saying that I think that women are physically equal or stronger to men - yes, it is biologically true that men, in general, are stronger physically than women and that no matter what feminists must accept that. But that does not mean we cannot reach a degree of equality. To say we were born the lesser counterparts of men is saying that blacks are born as subordinates of whites, which is not true. It is not what you are born as, but what you become. Women and men should pull equal weight both in and out of the home, in the role of raising children and putting food on the table, and everyone should have the right to pursue their dreams, regardless of what sex you are born to be. After all, you cannot choose whether you are born X or Y. But you can choose what you want to be and what you become. Men should not be the only ones that are allowed to aim high and score - women should have that right as well. Men and women are different, of course - there are many things men can do that women cannot, and there are many things that women can do that men cannot - but that does not mean that we must beg and grovel and serve and be the playthings and slaves of men, just because we are born women.

    I am woman. Hear me roar.

    Lady Renegade.
