Friday, February 26, 2010


Mood: musicky (I know that's not a word!)
Listening to: 'Cold As You' by Taylor Swift...I should have listened to this song about three months ago and saved myself from a very painful breakup.
Hungry for: dinner....

Every month, I'm gonna release a playlist of what I'm listening to. New thing.

This month (in no particular order):

1. One Less Lonely Girl, Justin Bieber (yes, I listen to Justin Bieber. Get over it.)
2. One Time, Justin Bieber
3. Change, Taylor Swift
4. I'd Lie, Taylor Swift
5. Invisible, Taylor Swift
6. Cold As You, Taylor Swift
7. I Heart Question Mark, Taylor Swift
8. Your Anything, Taylor Swift
9. Halo, Beyonce
10. Art of Love, Guy Sebastian ft. Jordin Sparks

Aaaand...that's basically it. My absolute favourite songs of this month.

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