Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Keanu Reeves

Mood: reeved?
Listening to: 'Promise' from Yi San
Hungry for: kimchi jiggae!
Bella says: 'grrr'

Okay, so I just watched the Matrix in philosophy this week. About ten years late.

Which means my crush on Keanu Reeves is a bit belated, but still, WHAT KIND OF GUY LOOKS HOT WHEN HE'S GOT HOLES ALL OVER HIS BODY? KEANU REEVES!

Oh, and he's got a super sexy trench coat. Phwar.

Okay, so he isn't your traditional Malibu hottie. But still, you have to admit, he'd make an AWESOME HEATHCLIFF.


  1. I remember Reeves when he was first crushable.

    Good to see that he elevated himself in such a serious film.

    Red pill or blue pill?

  2. Red pill. Defs.

    Who would take the blue pill?

  3. I've never seen the matrix.

    I'm guessing you would suggest I watch it?

    Red pill? Blue pill? Please explain. Sorry.
