Thursday, January 03, 2013

Holy Ground

You have already forgiven yourself, I think
I think you have tried to forget
But you remember the taste of me in the warm winter sun

I've almost buried that horse in the ground
I can nearly drown you out with the howling wind
And frost numbs old wounds

But you have what I do not
So it is I who is robbed, lost, wanting
You knew that when you left me here
And fled to higher ground

And so even in this bitter war
Where hearts fall like houses of cards
And memories are vulnerabilities

I cling to this
Where I stood in your arms
On holy ground

Tonight in the swirling snow I'll dance
For all that we've been through
But I don't want to dance if I'm not dancing with you

Inspired by Holy Ground by Taylor Swift

Click here for a discussion of Holy Ground

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