Friday, October 24, 2008

It's Not a Crime

It's not a crime to be in love with fictional characters. They're better than every effing guy I know. And that includes you, BSC, so shut up.

So why do I get treated like a criminal?

It's not a crime to be completely obsessed with Twilight and wish you live in Forks. At least MW isn't there, so even that tiny fact would make it better than where I live now.

So why do I get treated like a criminal?

It's not a crime to like Star Wars. Millions, squillions of people love Star Wars, and it's brilliant and a perfect muse.

So why do I get treated like a criminal?

It's not a crime to be smart and be good at writing. I can't run or jump or throw or any other 'cool' talents, so you and I have just got to live with what I got.

So why do I get treated like a criminal?

It's not a crime to be rebellious. The world is far from perfect, and I don't want to pretend it's anywhere near perfection.

So why do I get treated like a criminal?

It's not a crime to cry when you're upset, hurt or heartbroken. I cry all the time - it's adolescent mood swings, and people should be more understanding.

So why do I get treated like a criminal?


1 comment:

  1. I get treated like a criminal for hating cheese, liking books, and not being good at sport.
