Friday, October 24, 2008

Teachers. And MW. Drive. Me. Pokeynuts.


Teachers get on your nerves. Because we live in Australia, where more people are diagnosed with skin cancer than anywhere else in the world, we have this 'No Hat, No Play' rule at most government primary schools.

The idea is to promote the wearing of sunwear during the hot months.

The reality is it really just promotes hatred towards teachers. (and hats).

So teachers go around telling us off, giving us warning forms and the whole lot for going around without hats, and what do they do?

Go around without hats.

Teachers tell us off for talking during assembly every fortnight. They can rage and rant for hours, all the way until recess, which means I miss my violin class in the process.

And what do they do? Gossip away like chickens during EVERY SINGLE ASSEMBLY. I've seen them!

They tell me off for being rebellious, but really, these things GET ON MY NERVES, and I can't help being a bit of a renegade. It's just my persona, and what they do doesn't really help.

TEACHERS, and NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD, has the right to tell someone off for doing something when they do it too. That's like a judge saying to a criminal 'you really shouldn't have murdered him', then the judge goes out on a murder spree.

Can no-one see the irony in it?

Yesterday I was really pissed off at this guy, which we can only call MW for privacy reasons on the internet.

Now, what he said to me yesterday was no big deal.

But the fact that that and worse has been going on ever since he came and polluted our school with his presence just drove me over the line.

I had a bad day, yesterday. I had to spend all lunch and recess clearing out my tray, which is more accurately described as a museum or a garbage tip, it was hot, I had a headache, and it was a bad time of the month, if you get my gist. I was seriously pissed off, and I just cracked.

And what does the teacher do? Make it all a joke. The whole class ended up laughing, and I couldn't say anything.

Some teacher.

I get teased. A lot. Even the TEACHERS tease me.

There's this guy that sits next to me who always puts his elbow on my desk (in primary, we have to share one desk). It got to the point I was slapping and punching his elbow every six seconds, and what does the teacher say? That I LOVE him. Ew. He thinks it's so cool to go around with sunblock not smeared on properly on his cheeks. No wonder he hasn't got a girlfriend.

The orchestra conductor was telling me off for coming late for ensemble practice (as the concert master, you should be a bit more prompt, etc) and the music teacher comes in. What does she say? 'She's too busy dreaming about BSC'.



But back to MW. Why is he so annoying?

We have four new kids in my class this year: BSC, MW and two girls.

BSC is awesome. He's crazy, conceited, stuck-up, but loveable and charismatic to pieces and he's one of my closest friends, and one of the only guys that are really there for me. We're not going out or anything - that's gross, and anyways, he's too busy chasing other girls (namely BETHANY) - but we're friends and he treats me like a boy and I treat him like a girl.

One of the girls is really nice - she's pretty and smart and popular without being a bitch. We're not close close but we're friends, pretty much.

The other girl is an IDIOT. She rambles on and on about all the boys who liked her in her old school, and her old school this and her old school that, but I don't think she gets the message - no one CARES.

But MW. MW!!! He goes out of his way to annoy people, starts rumours, thinks it's so effing cool to be an effing smartass, and GRRRRRRR, I can't say any more without murdering the keyboard.

This isn't just some whiny rant by some pathetic schoolkid. THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS. THIS IS MY LIFE.

I don't want any sympathy. I don't want people saying 'Poor you, I feel really sorry for you' or stuff like that. I just want people to UNDERSTAND.

I know some people are a lot worse off than me. But that's due to big issues, like climate change or economy crisis or governments gone crook.

My problems are easily solved, but I need help with that.

I just want people to see I'm a normal kid who deserves to have a normal life.

Why can't anyone see that? Why am I always the outsider, the weirdo?


  1. Teachers do suck. OHMYLORD. I remember being in primary school with sucky teachers. Who make really bad jokes and yeah whatevs. You'll learn not to care.

    There are awesome teachers out there woo (Y)

    LOL well hai! Sorry for the late reply. Been busy and stuff. Twilight and Harry Potter Roolz.

    Glad you commented :D

  2. Hi.

    That was a very very long winded speech, but it was totally like you.

    I understand what you're going through even though I've never been much of an outsider.I've always been in the middle.

    I have very good friends now including you.
