Monday, October 26, 2009

sorry i haven't updated in a while....

Okay, I have no clue who The Lion is, but welcome aboard anyway. Which reminds me:

About that 'Alone in the Crowd' post, let me please assure you that I do not just assume I will get into Oxford. Quite the contrary, I am actually not too sure about my chances of getting at all. But, stay optimistic, as always. I wrote that post in the heat of the moment and I didn't really look over it to see if it would sound...not to show-offy. I always have to do that - it's very annoying. I don't know if it's because I'm very tactless or you guys are just very touchy, or both.

But I must apologise for not posting for a while - unless you count that Cinderella clip, and I know most of you don't - but I simply couldn't think of anything to blog about that wouldn't bore to death - that's assuming that everything I write doesn't bore you to death in the first place. Also, it's been unbelievably busy at school, and I've been in The Mood - and whenever I write when I'm in The Mood people automatically think I'm depressed - which is not a very good assumption or reputation to have.

More later when I can think of something to write.


  1. Good to see you again.

    Haven't been able to watch clips as the Internet is a bit slow. On the 1st of November we will have more than twice our download limit.

    Amazing to see the Alone in the Crowd post, and that you do think you have some chance of getting into The Other Place. (Oxford and Cambridge call each other this all the time). I wouldn't have picked up on the Oxford thing if you hadn't mentioned it.

    The holidays will come in soon. Let's hope you don't have too much holiday homework and lots of time to spend with friends and family and good people. And of course blogging.
