Saturday, October 31, 2009

Because We Listen to Older Generations...

...Homosexuality is a taboo and illegal in many parts of the world.

...Male chauvinism is spiralling crazily out of control and women are suffering the consequences of male dominance.

...There is still rascist prejudice against Blacks and Asians.

...People kill in the name of Gods that we all know don't really exist.

...People, cults and religions dictate our lives.

...Women are not allowed to go topfree when men are.

...It is legal to put an animal to sleep to release it from it's pain, but it's not legal to do so to a human being.

All these...rules, all these social norms and taboos, are passed down through generations when we are taught what is 'right'. Who cares if someone is black, or homosexual, or a woman? Why do people still kill in the name of God? If I were God I wouldn't be very impressed. Why are human rights still incredibly basic, yet still ignored, and the rights of women are going down the drain in many parts of the world?

Older generations are polluting the minds of free thinking youths, just as their elders polluted their minds when they were open and opinionated and young. I don't care how badly you were treated when you were young. I don't care how you think we have it so good. Society should be about making the world a better place for every man, woman and child, not deliberately degrading basic human, women and children's rights simply because your rights were ignored in the past and you want payback. How can the older generations get revenge by attacking innocent children? If you make our lives hell, is that justice in your eyes?

1 comment:

  1. Surely one of the tasks of the older generation is to treat the younger generation better than they themselves were treated (they will sometimes do so anyway) but be more conscious about it.

    And no, it isn't justice. It's revenge. (in answer to the hell question).
