Saturday, October 31, 2009

Yeah...sorry about the enormous time gap.

I feel so bad that I haven't posted for so long, and when I finally did post if was something that probably didn't make sense to a lot of you. Especially seeing that now I have more readers than I ever dreamed possible.

The truth is, I've had nothing interesting to talk about that I can actually talk about on the big bad world of THE INTERNET. Because everything interesting is, firstly, too personal to talk about, and two, probably isn't interesting to anyone except me.

Also, I get a lot of complaints that I complain too much (I love the irony in that), that I bitch too much, that I'm too emo, and that I prefer to curl up in a ball and wallow in misery instead of actually trying to change my circumstances.

I would really like to set the record straight.

The only reasons why I complain so much on my blog is, firstly, I'm not allowed to complain anywhere else. If I complain at home I'm whinging and being petty. If I complain at school I'm disrespectful and insolent and then they threaten me with the usual: detention, disembowellment, decapitation...

And everyone needs an outlet. I'm sorry.

And for all those people who say I'm a bitch: seriously, you say that like it's a bad thing. I really have no problem being a bitch - or, at least, I don't have a problem being called a bitch. Because, after all, a bitch is a dog, dogs bark, bark is on trees, trees is part of nature, and nature is beautiful. So thanks for the compliment.

As for being too emo - well, I hate to be Little Johnny Raincloud here, but life isn't perfect, and neither is society. Everyone cracks under pressure. Besides, as emo as this sounds, the best pieces of writing I've seen are all on the negative - like lousy restaurants that get really bad reviews, or tragic romances. Writing is just good when it's negative - you can get really inventive with the adjectives. Or the curses and swearing. Either way.

And another video for you guys - an old vlog from my good friend (okay, I don't know her at all, I just love her videos) Natalie Tran, aka communitychannel. This particular video is called I like, I like, I like.

Oh, and just so you know, this video is quite old. The Victorian Bushfire Tragedy is over, well, at least, the fires are. The cleanup is still continuing.


  1. Yeah, but there's a great difference between being a bitch and being independent and out-spoken. A bitch complains about everything, is over-sensitive, and thinks everyone else is against her. A bitch thinks interprets every comment as a harassment, and is willing to complain about everything because it helps her feel better.

    You'll gain respect from other people by explaining yourself in a way that doesn't seem...huh, one-track-minded. Sure, life isn't perfect. But don't you see the miracle in just breathing? That feeling when the air fills your nostrils and gives you life every two seconds? Don't you feel happy to even live?

    I mean, it's good to vent every once in a while, but shit, honey! My cousin's in the hospital with kidney failure, and she's only 21. And she has lupus. I watched her cry for the first time in my life. Do you think she'd be that happy if she could leave such a fricking miserable world like you say it is?

    HEY. BEFORE YOU STOP READING. I know it's my decision to come to your blog periodically so I practically force myself to listen to your rants and bitching, I know it's f-ing stupid to complain about complainers (and bitch about bitches, whatever, okay?), and I know that I don't have the slightest clue what your life is like right now. For all I know, it could be a fricking living hell, okay? But I suppose you get food regularly. I guess you still have a place to sleep. Of course you have a computer to use, but that's not really important, is it? But it's better it could be, and you have to remember that. You're not even eighteen yet for Christ's sake. I mean, not to say that your issues are little and meaningless, Lord knows they run deep. You've been through rougher things than I have. In some respects. Enjoy what you've got while you still have it. I don't care if what you have is so little you can't even count your possessions on one hand. You have a brain, and you have the ability to reason. You're a smart girl ahead of her years, which is always something to be thankful for.

    Adelaide - that's not a bitch, that's a smart woman. Bitches shouldn't be glorified because...well, they're bitches. "Bitch" means "female dog," Adelaide. Listen - if you respected yourself, would you label yourself after an animal? A woman is a beautiful creation, and she's a human being, bottom line. I don't think even bitches like themselves, because any normal person would get tired of bitching after some time.

    A smart woman knows herself from top to bottom, and respects every inch of it. A bitch doesn't care and just makes everyone else miserable.

    Oh, and emos, I have nothing against. You want me to be politically correct, I'll be politically correct. Kapeesh?

  2. pfff
    I think your complaints sound ten times more impressive in writing than when you say it.
    I agree with TRG, it's like you don't have the ability to be happy anymore because you just ignore the little things in life you should be happy for

  3. Jeez guys, stop picking on [name of writer, deleted for privacy reasons]. Everyone has the right to grumble once in a while. We can't all go around whistling with our noses in the air.

  4. I certainly do see the miracle in just breathing, even if I would not call it by those terms.

    Up and down and in and out.

    Yes, we are humans, but before we were humans, we were monkeys and so long during the evolutionary line. Dogs have wonderful qualities: male and female.

    Life is a blessing and a curse.

  5. Perhaps I didn't explain myself entirely. Did I say life was perfect? No. By no means. I am also not picking on LR. Lord, that would make me a bitch of bitches, now wouldn't it?

    I just hate to see her this skeptical at such a young age. LR, your opinions will change when you get older, whether you like it or not, and there will come a time when you're sick and tired of being sick and tired with the rest of the world. And you'll want to change. You may think that the world is against you, but that's only because you make yourself "against-able." Learn to love the world, with its million imperfections, and it will learn to love you back.

    Now, I can understand if this is a once-in-a-while thing. If you remember, LR, I used to hate life, too. I even hated it more than you do. I wanted to just end it all, for real. But I just told myself that it's a phase I was going through, and that life was going to be better. I didn't believe it most of the time, but I felt like that hope was all I had left. And it did get better - I've never felt happier in my life.

    You realize, LR, that the only reason I', complaining to you is because we're bosom girls from across the world! I don't want you to go through life with so much resentment. If you just refresh your system, and try to start over, you'll be a much happier person. I could only wish the best for you, honey.



    Oh, and C.S. - it's not impossible for her to find happiness again. Happiness doesn't mean waking up all bouncy in the morning and having nothing wrong with life. It means being content with what you have and being thankful for all the ups and downs that grace your life. Meaning, although there are always going to be god-awful times, at least you are able to find the precious little that make you glad to be alive. That's what it means to be content - not to be ignorantly happy (in denial, etc.). That's for the blind people who think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with their situation. There's always going to be evil in the world, but at the same time, there will always be someone or something that is on your side.

    I'm on yours, LR. :) Sorry if I sounded over-pissed or something. Well I was, but not that badly. :)
