"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Sunday, November 15, 2009

...It's because he's a boy...

Whenever a boy would treat me like dirt (and believe me, a lot of my *friends* have treated me like dirt) my friends and family would always say: 'Don't worry about it. You can't even blame him...it's because he's a boy'.

Put aside the fact that it's horribly degratory (I'm debating whether degratory is a word at the moment) and sexist, isn't it horribly, I dunno, unfair? It's like boys get let off the hook for all the crazy shit some of them do, because of their sex. If you look at it from a masculist perspective, it's horribly unfair to boys as well, like they're not expected to do any better. And believe me, I expect a lot from boys, and I think 'it's because he's a boy' is a lousy excuse. But they say it all the time!

And they say it to whatever things boys get up to, and, trust me, some of the boys round here get up to the worst: dumping online, cheating and then admitting it, pulling the whole 'we can still be friends' after ripping a girl's pride up and strewing it across the streets...

I mean, seriously. Having someone you love dump you and saying 'we can still be friends' is like having your dog die and your mum saying 'you can still keep it'. The sooner guys learn that, the better.

Another thing that bugs me:

Those classic, horribly stereotypical remarks like: 'She's pretty smart...for a blonde' or 'She's incredibly good looking...for an Asian'. Like they don't expect blondes to be smart (okay, most dumb people I've met are blonde, but that doesn't mean most blonde people I've met are dumb), or that Asians aren't pretty. I mean, can we just put aside the sex, race and appearance of someone? Someone is either pretty, or not pretty. Not 'pretty for a 24 year old' or 'pretty...considering what her sister looks like', just plain pretty.

Why is that so hard to comprehend?

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