Sunday, February 07, 2010

Officially 14!

Mood: loca (a la Juana la Loca)
Listening to: 'Change' (still!) by Taylor Swift
Hungry for: milk. I'm such a child. I eat milk and cookies almost every night, and I know it all goes to my love handles. But I love it.

I'm officially fourteen! My birthday was two days ago, on the fifth, and I spent the time chipping my nail polish wrestling with crabs, eating Chinese roast duck and, tonight, roast pork, English style. That's my idea of a good birthday.

It's unseasonably cold for February - I was born in searing heat and my birthday has always been on a day where the mercury hits at least 35 - but this year it is quite cool - cool enough for me to wear my Oxford sweatshirt and sleep with a winter quilt. How strange.

I love being fourteen - I feel much more in control of my life this year than I did last year. People could do things to me when I was thirteen that I will not allow now that I am fourteen. I hope this year will be a happy one, and wash away last year's pain.

In other news, I encourage you all to watch a Spanish film called Juana La Loca, which follows the life of Queen Joan of Castile, who is more famously known as 'Joanna the Mad'. Brilliant, passionate movie.


  1. Wrestling with crabs sounds like a good idea.

    And pork and duck are great too.

  2. Happy birthday, LR!!! I hope you have as great a 14th year as I have(I turn 15 on the 20th)!!!

    Although, I must say, don't talk about cold. I would kill to be where you are simply because: Here I'm in the middle of a howling blizzard (since Saturday there's been approximately 3 and a half feet of snow.) The only good thing is, NO SCHOOL TODAY!!!! And probably not tomorrow 'cause it's drifting EVERYWHERE!

  3. And hopefully now that you're officially 14 (and have been so for a fortnight), you might like to read this entry about Anais Nin:

    Anais Nin's 13th birthday
