Saturday, February 06, 2010

Oxford University

Mood: tired
Listening to: 'Change' (still) by Taylor Swift
Hungry for: dinner

I've mentioned before that I am an Oxford wannabe, but now, as I enter a time in my schooling when the impossible seems quite possible but the possible is starting to seem impossible, this inane desire to somehow get to Oxford University is consuming me in ways that I cannot really explain. It's more than a petty demand, it's something more. It's been quite a big part of my life since I was a little girl, but now it's constantly in my mind. It's driving me to push myself to do things I never thought I could do. I'm no longer content with being good, or even exceptional...I want to be the best, the very best. I will accept nothing less than the very best of myself. I don't care if my dream of Oxford drives me mad. The sane never make it to the history books, anyway.

I no longer care about boys or friendships I know will never last. Oxford, for me, is do or die. The rest can wait. True friends, and true love, will support me. The rest, I know, I have to leave behind.

1 comment:

  1. I could get you in touch with some alumni (alumna as they are women, rather) and mentors from Oxford.

    Sanabitur Anima Mea

    The Chaletian

    Do try for the Rhodes, as well, when you're a bit older. (I think you already need an undergraduate degree).

    And two words: BOB HAWKE.
