Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Writer's Festival

Mood: nostalgic
Listening to: 'Cold As You' by Taylor Swift
Hungry for: dessert

Writer's festival...

Can I describe the atmosphere? I can certainly describe the heat. Blistering, contrasting sharply with the air conditioners on overdrive in the theatres. I don't think I've ever been with so many people of my kind. I don't remember being myself so much for so long.

I love writers. I think they're the best kind of people They're all smart, they're all freaks, they're all cool. I've learned so much, laughed so much...I wish school was that fun. I'd take the heat a thousand times over if I could just forever stay at the festival.

I bought two books at the festival - Jasper Jones, by Craig Silvey, and The Imperfectionists, by Tom Rachman - got them both signed, too, which is cool. The authors were there, giving talks and signing books, and they're both very nice and inspirational. I've read a couple of chapters from each and I'm addicted. I recommend them both to you.

1 comment:

  1. Was able to catch up with your Festival post at last.

    It would be great to hear more about the 2 books you mentioned.
