Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Wuthering Heights

Mood: tired
Listening to: 'One Time' by Justin Bieber
Hungry for: milk!

I am currently addicted to the 2009 two-part series of Wuthering Heights, starring Tom Hardy as Heathcliff and Charlotte Riley as Cathy Earnshaw.

I love Wuthering Heights.

Okay, so I haven't actually read it, but I've read enough Twilight to get some direct quotes. I love the storyline.

The last time I tried to read Wuthering Heights was two years ago, and I couldn't get a word of it. I'll try again after I finish Jane Eyre.

I love Heathcliff. I love how he's so dark, so evil, so wronged, so passionate. Heathcliff, I think, has beaten Romeo, who has a stupid name and is too girly and cowardly for my liking, and Edward Cullen, who's hotter than Heathcliff, but boring. Two dimentional. No-one should be so exquisitely perfect as he is.


  1. I first read Wuthering Heights in the middle of 1995, after Grandad recommended it.

    It changed my life.

    The Yorkshire moors were familiar from The Secret Garden, and had a whole new dimension.

    One of my favourite lines is the one at the end: "There were no sleepers in that quiet earth".

    My favourite Romeo and Juliet characters were probably Benvolio and Mercurtio.

    I enjoy Nelly Dean and also Catherine (the younger).

    Grandmere had a book called Return to Wuthering Heights by Anna Lestrange. It is published fan fiction.

    Enjoy Jane Eyre.

  2. Heaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaathcliiiiiiiiiiff!!! heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaathccliiiiiiiiiiiiiiffffffff!!!
