Monday, June 14, 2010

10 The Weird and not-so-Wonderful Things About Me

Mood: full
Listening to: 'Promise' from the OST of Yi San
Hungry for: more kimchi jiggae!'s a korean thing...
Bella says: 'can i have some scotch fillet too?'

1. I'm really, really, *really* lazy - I'm serious, it freaks me out how lazy I am. I should really decrease the times I say 'meh, buh,whatevs, man.'

2. I'm really, really, *really* picky - my reading list is, like, massively short, because I'm really fussy about what I read. It just has to be right, you know? Like, easy to read and deep and meaningful as well.

3. I really can't be bothered reading blogs - I know, I'm a blogger, but I really can't read many blogs. The exception? Guess Who's blog, of course, because she and I both moan about the same school and I know what she's talking about and where she's coming from. I know blogs are meant to be all about learning from other people's perspectives, but seriously, I'm hopeless at following blogs - mostly because I simply can't take it in - weird, eh? You'd think a blogger would be a bit better at reading blogs, but no. I love vlogs, though.

4. I am about as fit as a hippo and as flexible as a lump of cement - I'm not joking. I said hippo, because occasionally I can run really, really, fast...for about three milliseconds, then I spend about twenty light years recuperating in my own little mud puddle of a life. As for the flexibility thing, well, put it this way: IF YOU WERE A CYBORG THEN YOU WOULDN'T BE FLEXIBLE EITHER!!!

5. I'm a cyborg - seriously! The official definition of a cyborg is an organism that has both artificial and natural systems, and that is true. I have a pacemaker, and even though I'm not so dependent on it as I used to be, there was one point in my life I quite literally could not live without it.

6. I can't stand bad anologies - I was watching yet another sport report on our EPIC FAIL SOCCER WORLD CUP LOSS AGAINST GERMANY, and the commentator was making a really stupid anology about how watching Germany play was like 'being inside your mouth when a dentist is working on your teeth'. I mean, seriously? What the hell does that mean?

7. When I'm stressed or pissed off I start swearing in Korean - it's a bad habit of mine. I know a tiny smidge of Korean, mostly completely out-of-date phrases used by the Joseon Dynasty Court (I watch heaps of historical prime-time series) and swear words. If I' m really pissed off, I'll veer off from Korean and start screaming absolute jargon...and then you'll know I'm REALLY mad.

8. I make funny faces when I'm having a brain fart - like, seriously funny faces.

9. I have a really shit short term memory - I can't stand knowing a word but not knowing what it means, or watching half a movie, or even hearing about a movie, and not knowing what happens. So it'll occur to me to look it up on the internet, so I'll go upstairs, coax and threaten my computer into behaving and then by the time I have Wikipedia loaded, I've completely forgotten what I wanted to look up. Annoying.

10. I get major stage fright. Weird, eh? You wouldn't think someone with insanity levels like mine would get stage fright. But I do.

1 comment:

  1. The "Weird and not so Wonderful" thing I found most interesting about you is that you consider yourself a cyborg.
