Thursday, June 17, 2010

This World

They told me that,
In this world,
Boys were the same as girls.
You're innocent until proven guilty,
Right until proven wrong,
That we want peace instead of war,
The truth instead of a lie.
They told me I lived in a world,
Where everything would be alright.

But I realized that,
In this world,
Boys get it so much better than girls.
You're guilty until proven innocent,
Wrong until proven right,
That they want war instead of peace,
A lie instead of the truth.
I know now I live in a world,
Where nothing is alright.

You know who proved it to me?
You did.
You know who tried to deny it?
You did.
I was so innocent,
But you punished me,
When I was right,
You shunned me.

So I know now,
In this world,
Where boys will always be better than girls,
You're guilty even when proven innocent,
You're wrong, always wrong, never right.
That you want war instead of peace,
You prefer a lie over the truth.
I live in this world,
But I still have hope.

That one day,
In this world,
Boys will be the same as girls.
A world where you're innocent until proven guilty,
Right until proven wrong.
A world where we are at peace, never war,
A world of truth, not a lie.
I want to live in this world...
Do you?

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