Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Thousand Thousand Fearless Things #66

Now Playing: Never Let Me Go (Unplugged) by Florence + The Machine (the arms of the ocean are carrying me, and all this devotion was rushing out of me in the crushes of heaven, for a sinner like me, but the arms of the ocean delivered me)

#585: To be honest, I didn't realize how exhausted I was by the stresses of daily commute until I got home, ate a banana, and then promptly passed out. Afternoon naps at sixteen. How tragic. 

#586: Never Let Me Go. Becoming. An. Obsession.

#587: Actually, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure if it's an ego boost or an ego bash. Either way all I know I'm supposed to like this person even though I feel kind of robbed and even though I've never met them, and the survival of several friendships are clinging to that. 

#588: Does nobody else internally fangirl when a guy rubs his chin and mutters that he needs to shave? It's so obviously a bid for attention but hey...it works...

#589: I should probably stop offering my left hand for a handshake. It pisses people off. I guess as the left hander I'm permanently used to being pissed off. I have to swap cutlery, become virtually ambidextrous, swear at scissors that discriminate against the otherwise-handed...and right handed people just can't take it when we try to shake the wrong hand. 

#590: I may be 5'3" but I reserve the right as a year twelve to bash through hoardes of year eights. There is no reason to clog up corridors in packs of forty. EVER. 

#591: I know my hair looks somewhat cool but it is the result of cramming every single hairpin I own into my hair. Seriously. 

#592: Anyone else have a friend that they really, really, really can't be angry at no matter what?

#593: Dear year elevens. Get out of our common room. We survived junior year without hot water. 

1 comment:

  1. Shake with the hand you feel most comfortable with.

    Neither of them have knives (I hope).
