Tuesday, August 14, 2012

hairpins in your wallet

I'd like to be the hairpins in your wallet
The scraps of lace on your bedroom floor
I'd like to be the lipstick stain on your collar
One day, maybe one day
I'll be the kiss on your cheek
The smile on your face
The text at three in the morning
Because I saw you crying
Asking if you're okay

You are everywhere
Memories buried in the laundry hamper
Imprinted on the drive home
There's suddenly meaning
In the most innocent, pedestrian things

And I am tied by intensity
And tired of vulnerability
I'll just be walking and something will catch my eye
And I'll remember...I'll remember...I'll remember...

I'd like to be the hairpins in your wallet
I'd like to be just part of your heart
Because, you know
You were always all of mine.

Click here for a discussion of hairpins in your wallet

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