"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Can we let this feminist thing rest already?

Align RightObviously not.

This is in response to a comment that has been posted on one of my latest posts 'The Feminist Argument'. Yes, I get an automatic email update the moment someone comments on my blog, so I know all these things.

I don't want to keep repeating myself - it's boring. It's boring for me to write and even more boring to read. I am a feminist. I believe that gender equality has come a long way but can go a lot further, and that feminism is essential to an open-minded, modern society. And, truth be told, I don't give a shit whether you're with me or not.

I also don't think that all men are rascist, sexist, discriminating chauvinistic bastards - although I know that a lot of my posts may sound that way. I love men, and I know a lot of great men - my father, for example, and some (STRONG emphasis on SOME not ALL) of my teachers, etc. But I have had a lot of bad experiences at the hands of men, all because of my race, my gender, my appearance, or a combination of the three. I can't ignore that, because it's a big part of my life - and a primary source of all my pain. And it's not all 1900's - there is a big myth that male chauvinism is just a thing of the past, but that's not true. Every year, even in this day and age, women are tortured, murdered, beaten, raped, and abused, just because they are women. Sex selective abortions continue to this day, as does bride-burning and all that. Just because they were women.

I hope no-one else has a problem with my beliefs any more, because, as I said, if you do, then get off my blog. I don't want to keep repeating myself for people who interfere with my private world. I want to blog about interesting things.

Oh, and by the way, Happy birthday to Marta, one of my classmates who turns 13 today. We all love you Marta! - oh, and by the way, you're sports back is still in the girl's changerooms ;D

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