"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Minority Report

Okay, so I should probably explain the story behind the name change.

As many of you know, this blog started out as The Secret World of a Misunderstood Writer, which was a bit of a mouthful, so I changed it to This is How a Renegade Thinks. Then I changed it to Tempestuous, as a reference to a quote from one of my favourite movies Ten Things I Hate About You. My new name, The Minority Report, reflects the direction this blog is taking - presenting a different point of view to the generalizing, stereotyping view of the majority. A minority report is an official term for a report presented by two or more members of a commitee opposing a majority-rules decision.

Because whilst everyone is trying to get the world up to speed with democracy, I disagree with the whole notion of 'it's right because everyone thinks it's right'. John Howard was elected democratically, and what a hero he was. If Tony Abbott is elected democratically, I lose my faith in democracy.

So now I want to know your opinion. What do you think my blog should be called, and why? Just curious.


Adelaide Dupont said...

I think it would be a good idea to call it Vitamin R, because that's what we take in when we read this blog. We have lots of vitality and vim.

About past blog names: I liked Tempestuous and How a Renegade Thinks.

Adelaide Dupont said...

Second suggestion:

"The Majority Rules, The Minority Rocks".