Listening to: 'I'd Lie' by Taylor Swift
Hungry for: love
Bella says: 'WHERE'S MUMMY GOOOOOONE??????'
I have found the perfect Edward Cullen.

Paul Wesley.
Unfortunately (or perhaps not so unfortunately), Paul Wesley plays another vampire who falls in love with a mortal girl and only drinks the blood of animals and all that, in the TV series adaption of The Vampire Diaries - which has pretty much the exact same themes as Twilight, only the vampires aren't so virginal and it was published fifteen years ago. But Paul Wesley should have been cast as Edward, too.
Why? Because he fits at all the criteria so much better than Robert Pattinson. Pale? Check, only Paul's skintone is creamy white to Robert Pattinson's ash grey. Slim, yet muscular frame? Double check, only Paul's six pack and muscle definition is real, and not painted on by makeup-artists like Rob's was and, as an added bonus, HE DOESN'T HAVE CHEST HAIR. Bronze hair? Check, and it's not even dyed. Yellow eyes...well, it would be really creepy if he had those naturally (although amber is an official human eye colour, closely linked to green and hazel). Tall? Well, Paul Wesley's height is not officially documented, he is estimated to be around six foot (he's taller than Nina Dobrev, who plays his love interest Elena/Katherine in the series, by a good few inches, and she's 5'6", the same height as Kristen Stewart). Robert Pattinson is 6'1" to Edward Cullen's 'book height' of 6'2". He's also a better actor, and, unlike Robert Pattinson, has more charisma at least than a cardboard box.
Who is Paul Wesley? Well, he's a Polish-American actor best known for playing Stefan Salvatore, a character uncannily like Edward Cullen (or the other way around, because Stefan was invented first) in the TV series Vampire Diaries, which is an adaption of the vampire novels of the same name. The Vampire Diaries is considered the halfway house between the very unconventional vampire lore of Twilight and the garlic-fearing coffin-sleeping myths of Dracula.
So what do you think? Is The Vampire Diaries a good modern interpretation of the traditional blood-sucking myths, or does Dracula still win at the end of the day? Or does Twilight beat them both?
The Vampire Diaries is certainly not as ridiculous in terms of storyline, and there is some relatable stuff in there, along with some very real drama, wherelse it's nearly impossible to relate to Bella or Edward. I think The Vampire Diaries wins. What about you?
I just had to add this picture, just to show you the un-originality of Twilight (but I still love it).

(can anyone see the similarity?)