"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Thursday, April 16, 2009

...my life from then till now...

Sorry I haven't been blogging for ever so long!

We've just moved house, so we haven't had internet for ages - even now, there's only internet on one computer - my sister's. I've been going insane. I have a habit of checking my inbox several times a day, because I get quite a few emails, but I haven't been able to check it for like two weeks, and now I have to read through THIRTY emails! THIRTY! I don't think I've had an inbox so full since I changed email addresses and forgot to tell anyone so when I logged into my old inbox there were like 180 unreads or something wacky like that.

I've been sadly Wikipedia deprived too - even though I don't edit it anymore, I can't stand coming across anything unfamiliar without looking it up, and there's only so much a dictionary can do.

And of course, I've missed my blogs and all of my blogger friends so, so, much. I can't wait to read all of your comments!

My life from then till now...

Well, my science teacher hates me. And I hate him. Period.

I've lost two friends but gained three....kinda hard to explain. You know the friend that was Jimmy's girlfriend? We've kinda broken off. And my best friend and I had a huge row over...well, I don't really want to talk about it. It was just this afternoon.

My new friends are all year nines - the girl who sits next to me in orchestra and her two best friends. They're really nice.

We're on school holiday now, and because of Easter and all the public holidays, it's nearly three weeks instead of the normal two. Yippee! I've been doing some serious retail therapy - I've already blown about seventeen dollars, which is a lot for me, seeing as I rarely go shopping. But I do love going out - I went out with my new best friend to the city, it was so much fun. She blew seventy dollars! And I felt guilty spending seventeen, lol. No wonder her mother banned her from shopping - she called our outing *light* shopping!

I'm going to Europe next month - so excited. Really, really excited. I'm looking forward to blogging about it, hopefully whilst I'm overseas if I have access to internet, but if not, I'll fill you guys in when I get back.

I have a new crush - a year niner in my class, incredibly cute - did I mention I'm taking year nine English now? Anyway, this guy is so cute - tall, with this incredibly deep voice, with dark features and blonde hair. Phwar....

Life as a freshman is hard - especially seeing as I've just changed timetable, so I've had to leave all my core classes and join new ones, so I have to familiarize myself with new teachers, new classes, new timetables, new standards. But I love it. It keeps me on my toes.

I really want to hear fron all you guys soon!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You moved house!?
To where?
I need your phone number.