"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Baby, when I was your age you were a tiny bundle of joy
And when I held you in my arms as you bawled
I had a strange sense of

I do not care what they say
Part of my life must be spent like this
On old sofas in musty rooms
Rocking babies to sleep

Baby, I know to you the world seems such a scary place
Baby, I wish I could say you were wrong
Baby, when I was four I read books that were bigger than me
And I remember you did too

Baby, I know to you I seem impossibly smart
But baby, you're smarter than I ever will be
Baby, I know when I swing you up and carry you in my arms
I seem impossibly strong
But baby, keep on smiling
And you'll be always be stronger than tearstained ol' me

Baby, I love how you are mesmerised
By my high heels and fluffy dresses
My butterfly earrings and makeup

You look at me as if I were an angel
Entertaining children is like entertaining men

The only difference is that when you kiss them goodbye
Men know everything about you
And children know nothing at all

Baby, I know I seem very grown up
And you can't wait to be just like me
But baby, you don't see my war wounds
And battle scars
You're not old enough yet
To cry yourself to sleep

Night after night after night after night...

Baby, everything you do
Reminds me of how things used to be
Baby, stay as you are
Stay like this, for me.

For my two little angels 

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

"Baby, I know to you I seem impossibly smart
But baby, you're smarter than I ever will be
Baby, I know when I swing you up and carry you in my arms
I seem impossibly strong
But baby, keep on smiling
And you'll be always be stronger than tearstained ol' me"

Yes. Smiles make us and others very strong.

And when babies do see scars and war wounds it is a powerful salve, a powerful medicine, because you see the effect, the sacrifice anew and again.

Smart. Strong. Smile.

And the part about the clothes and the heels.

And wow! The baby read books bigger than them too!

(If books were atoms, Lady Starlight).