"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Reality Check.

I don't want to sound sympathetic,
I don't want to make girls look pathetic;
I just want to tell all you guys the truth.
All the crazy things that girls do,
All the crazy things that girls go through;
We do it for you.

All my life I've heard guys complaining
That girls are just so hard to understand.
We go through an awful lot,
And yet you seem to want everything we're not;
Our lives are tough enough without you,
And we can live without you;
Yes we can.

I just laugh when guys say,
They're underpriveledged and depressed.
Because if women jumped for the same reasons you do,
We'd all be dead.

Guys have no right to say,
That we cry too much;
We worry too much;
But they do, anyway.
Because if you were us,
You'd make twice the fuss;
And we'd probably have a tissue shortage.

You try living through every day,
Counting pounds and watching your weight.
You try trying to be perfect,
For men that can't appreciate (us).

You try being hair free,
Super thin,
Shoving bleached rayon up your ass.
You try being ridiculed,
Made to clean and cook
Being a woman isn't as easy as they say.

You try hobbling around,
Looking like a clown;
Doing stupid things,
Like putting sulphur on your face.
Just to make those stupid spots go away!

Men think they go through so much pain,
But they don't know pain;
We do!

So don't complain,
Take it like a man.
Men can't even do that,
Women can.
Why do we,
Have to always be,
Everything at once?

But we don't complain,
We can't complain,
We won't complain.
If you treat us with respect.

1 comment:

C.S said...

Ugh. I think its because girls are more mentally mature then guys at this age. Don't rush.