"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Monday, May 23, 2011

Firstly, I must apologise for some recent typos - my wireless keyboard is misbehaving. But I like to think my regular audience has sufficient intelligence to see past a couple of errors.

You know what is a constant source of frustration to me? The absolutely shit-arse state of gay rights here in Australia. We're supposedly a free, democratic country - but what freedom? What democracy? Freedom and democracy only seem to apply to white, rich, conservative Christian men.

Okay, I'm not gay. So why should I be worried about this? I'm worried because I care. I care for the human rights being violated, I care about the civil liberties that are being snatched away because a couple of fucked up politicians who are the sick twisted puppets of bigoted conservative lobby groups can't see past trivial things like sexuality, gender and colour. I care, even if nobody else seems to. We are all people, all of us, man, woman, gay, straight. If you're Christian, as so many conservative assholes claim to be, then surely you'd know that we are all God's children. If you're not Christian, well, then use your common sense.

In a religious sense, marriage can be between man and donkey for all it matters - but I respect that some dominions may not be comfortable with, well, unusual marriages. And that's fine. Religion, as well as marriage, is supposed to be a volunteer thing.

Allowing gay marriage isn't going to make the sky fall down. It isn't an abomination, it's a long-overdue basic right. If we allowed Tony freaking Abbott to get married, then gay marriage should be so in it should be almost cliche - because as far as I'm concerned, Tony Abbott is more of a freak of nature than anyone gay.  

Just because we allow gay marriage doesn't mean we all have to turn into horny homosexuals. Gay marriage has nothing to do with you, or me - it's about helping our brothers and sisters. Discriminating against sexuality makes just as much sense as discriminating against eye colour - it's natural, and unstoppable.

Stand up for what is right. You and me, together...we can prove that a band of thieves can rule the world.

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