"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Saturday, May 14, 2011

I Bruise Easily

I guess my soul is an
Inner black eye.
My heart’s got tear tracks from the
Last time I cried.
I never got the whole soft and strong thing,
What’s tough can sometimes fall.
I’ve learned how to free fall but there’s
No cushion under my tightrope.

Anyone close can
Love you or leave you.
Anyone close can
Heal you or hurt you.
I’ve tried to make
Some great leaps of faith
And I can match blow for blow.
But sometimes I wish this
Wasn’t a race
Or a sold-out circus show.

I’ve tried all the
Masks and I’ve
Wiped all my tears
But somehow you can’t
Always forget
Your eighth grade fears.
They’ve left out the ‘gentle’
Just left me with ‘men’.
I don’t like how it started
And I don’t know how this ends.

I wish upon shooting stars
And rainbows
And the sad glowing orb
Of Mother Moon.
Call me crazy,
Because I concur;
I am the proof that it
Doesn’t work.
Do I ever cross your mind?
Do you ever think about the maybes?
I think it’s just me but
Sometimes it’s nice thinking of

Its foreign territory;
When I say ‘I love’,
I’m sorry,
I know I’m at the bottom
Screaming up.
But one day when we’re on
Equal ground,
I’ll take your hand and
You’ll make a bow.
And you’ll try and remember
That I bruise easily.
And maybe you’ll try
Not to hurt me.

Until then I’ll
Read my storybooks,
And try to synthesise
What you can’t sympathise.
Are you human?
Are you a person?
Am I not worth it?
Are you so perfect?
I’ll fight with you or
Against you

Now you know. 

That I bruise easily.

Inspired by 'I Bruise Easily' by Natasha Bedingfield

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

Bedingfield is some great inspiration!

"Close people" can do anything. It's the power of them which makes them close.

(And being a "close person" is such a responsibility, as this poem shows).

Some awesome images and emotions like the "inner black eye" (yes, hearts grow black too), and the "I wish this wasn't a race or a sold-out circus show".

I also like "I don't like how it started and I don't like how it ends".

The fourth and fifth verses are very original and true.

Especially this:

"But one day when we’re on
Equal ground,
I’ll take your hand and
You’ll make a bow."

And the whole poem is a great heartopener!