"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Thursday, May 21, 2009


Some people are like 'Can you *not* blog about me? I mean, you haven't, but can you not write about me on the internet? I love your blog, though"

Whoah, whoah. Like I said before, this is my blog. Not yours. If you make me promise that I won't write about you and then you go bitch the shit out of yourself about me, then I'm gonna write about it - to hell with all promises. The teachers at our school may not listen to me, but rest assured my readers in the States and Sri Lanka and my friends here in Oz will.

I will make one tiny compromise - if I write something about you that doesn't involve you spreading rumours about me to the entire cosmos, then I may consider taking it down or editing it if I think it's too personal to blog about.

Other people say 'Can you blog about this? And this? Just so people see me in a better light. You make me sound like such a nun'

Sorry, but I don't find some stuff very appealing, and neither do my readers. I know it's very important to you, but I don't think my readers will be overly impressed if I dedicate an entire post to who's dating who when they don't know who you are. Sorry.

No compromises there, unless I find what you want me to write genuinely interesting.

Other people say 'What you wrote about me is not fair. I didn't mean it that way. Honest'.

I saw it, I heard it, and it was directed at me. I have the right to document it how I saw it. I don't have the option of running and screaming to teachers on account of the fact that some teachers don't like me, and the people who do like me are under the people who don't like me. So this is a compromise, in a way - I can't get you in detention but I can let my friends across the world know how horrible you are.

Some apologies that I have to make and accept:

Thanks for writing that comment, youknowwho. I'm not removing the post or changing it in any way but I'm accepting your apology, if that's what your comment was. I was just hurt and upset and angry when I posted it, so it might have thrown you into a negative light. Good luck with the girl ;).

I'm sorry if you don't like these compromises, but this is all I'm prepared to do.

I'm also sorry if you don't like my blog - there are better blogs out there, but I'm not changing mine when I have lots of followers (don't laugh, some of them aren't following officially, but they're there!) just to please one person.

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