"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

to all my darling new readers...

You're perfectly welcome to read my blog. Just don't tell me what and what not to post, because I'll listen politely and then go behind your back and do whatever I want. My blog. All me. Not you.

By the way, I'm not really *bullying* anyone one this blog, I just tell it like it is, so to speak. I, unlike some, do not spread untrue rumours all over the school and the internet and to every other school in the state. But if someone bitches about *me* or hurts me in any way, yeah, I'm gonna blog about it. It's my right.

So, go ahead, read my blog. Have fun. There are just three rules.

1. Don't tell me what to post, or what not to post. My blog, my rules, my life. I don't listen to anybody when it comes to what I post. Don't get offended - I don't even listen to my mother when it comes to what I blog about, and my mum is my best friend and I normally do listen to her.

2. Please don't post any rude comments. Contrary to popular belief, I actually don't go out of my way to write anything rude - I am blunt and that's that, but I try not to be rude - so it's just courtesy that you do the same.

3. If you're going to comment, PLEASE DO NOT POST AS 'ANONYMOUS', or if you do, sign off with something I will recognise to be you. I have lots of unsigned 'anonymous' commenters at the moment, some of which have posted rather rude things, which is unfair seeing as the people who do comment as 'anonymous' are my best friends and sometimes when it's late and I'm tired and I'm reading all these rude comments I don't notice there's no signature, and I immediately think one of them have posted it. Oh, and I do have a pretty good idea who those anonymous commenters are, by the way. I'm not stupid.

Most people say: Why do you blog, anyway? Just tell teachers if something is wrong.

Well, for starters, some of the bullying actually *does* come from my teachers - my science teacher and my year coodinator, for starters. So what good is it to complain? I'll wind up in detention or something stupid. Besides, what do teachers do about bullying? Nothing. Absolutely nothing. They give us all this bull about all these anti-bullying campaigns, but after eight and a half years of being consistently picked on, you start to doubt their word a bit. Just a little bit.

And also, when I blog, I have ultimate freedom, and call me old fashioned, but I actually *do* like my freedom. I feel robbed of my freedom all the time - especially at school, where some teachers blackmail me into agreeing with things I don't agree with. Of course, I do try not to use names, and I have never used a last name at all on my blog, so all identities are safe. But what this blog is for is to provide entertainment for my friends, and so I can express my opinions without having a gun at my head.

And the last thing is that this is my way of showing off what I can do. Athletes run races and get standing ovations and big shiny medals. I rant on a blog that about 20 people read and only 8 people read seriously.

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