"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Monday, July 25, 2011

11 reasons why I advocate topfreedom.

topfreedom: a cultural and political movement seeking to advance gender equality by the recognition of the right of women and girls to be topless in public on the same basis that men and women are permitted to be barechested.

1. The chest is an erogenous zone for both sexes. 

Most women would be lying if they weren't turned on by a guy with no shirt and ripped abs, but the majority of us have the etiquette to behave acceptably around half-naked men nonetheless, and men really should return the favour. The whole human body, essentially, is designed for mutual attraction. Why can't we just get over it?

2. Breasts are for children, not for ogling.

Topfreedom would allow for a greater acceptance of public nursing and intimacy between mother and child. In many primitive tribal cultures men as well as women go topfree or naked, and there are greater levels of closeness and intimacy between people and less instances of sexual harrassment and rape.

3. We should take greater pride in our bodies. 

In the name of gender equality and social libertarianism, it would benefit not only women but society in general if we all loosened up about our bodies.

4. Boobs are only sexualized because men never see them.

We all want what we can't have. I've seen so many barechested guys that it's not a huge deal anymore, and I bet the hype over breasts would die down if topfreedom was commonplace.

5. Sometimes it's so bloody hot. 

Do you know how jealous I am of guys who can just strip on really hot days? But no, we've got two sticks of wire, about three feet of padding plus a t-shirt between us and the breeze.

6. We all have the right to choose what to wear, and what not to wear. 

As a woman I have the right to choose whether I want to cover up or not. Everything from nudism to Islamic dress should be accepted as an individual right. We have the right to choose how to present ourselves.

7. Bras give men the wrong idea about breasts. 

We all look bigger when we're, ahem, supported. In reality, breasts are just as ugly and irregular as an arm or a leg, and we all have to learn to get over it.

8. Topfreedom isn't going to kill the clothing industry.

It's legally and socially acceptable for men to go topfree, but of course most do not - and it would be the same for women. It's not going to start a nudist subculture, or kill the clothing industry. Get over it.

9. If women can't do it, then men shouldn't do it.

Making topfreedom legally and socially acceptable would be a huge milestone in our battle for gender equality. If men can go barechested, then why can't we? 

10. Women don't go topfree to appear more sexually attractive or erotically appealing. 

Women should not be penalized for indecent behaviour for not wearing a top. People have no right to feel uncomfortable or threatened around a topfree woman, and if they do, studies have shown that they get over it if topfreedom is commonplace and accepted by the community.

11. Dress or conduct is never an excuse for rape or sexual harrassment. 

Men who blame sexual misconduct on the dress or conduct of their victims should be burned alive. There is never any excuse for murder, so why should there be an excuse for rape? It is immature for men to attempt to control women's bodies instead of taking responsibility for their own actions. We are all responsible for our own actions, and so topfreedom should be pursued in lieu of educating men to stop making excuses and keep their dick in their pants. Sorry, but it just had to be said. I'm sick of people - men, women, anybody - blaming others for their own behaviour. It's childlike and immature and completely beyond the pale in this day and age.

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