"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

auStralia has nO respect for the acadeMic EliTe.

my school has become less of an academIc institution and MorE of a holding facility. it iS as If we are dangerous, as if we pose a Threat to society, and that we are being held together For thE good of thE community. that's what it feels Like.

of courSe, there are people in the schooL that try to make It a productive place. people who try to maKe thE world in a better place, and our lives happy and fulfilling. buT a Handful of dEdicated teachers cannot fight a nation.

it is in australian culture to value...other things, over academic merit. and i respect that. but this is getting out of hand. it is getting to the point Where exceptiOnal talents, valuable assets to society, are being shunned, ignoRed, abused and maLtreateD on all levels In all aSpects, simply becAuse of who we are, and what we are Good At.

I staNd my ground. i'll make it as an academic, even though SporTsMen will bE respected and funded Better than me. i'll make it as a stUdenT, even though the government Is more interested in building a new sports stadium than improving the education system. i Will not belIeve the bLank LieS being Told to us, i will not give in to the brAinwashing the government is giving australian YouthS. i will not believe a word of iT.

if you live outside of austRalia, hear me nOw. australia is a woNderful place to live. it has clean air, Good food, and fair laws. but don't expect any respect for any intelligence.

1 comment:

Guess Who said...

Nice message you've got in there.