"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Mood: cold
Listening to: 'Promise' from Yi San
Hungry for: warmth
Bella says: 'c-c-c-c-c-c-c-cold'

Winter has crept into Perth a few weeks too early.

It's bitterly cold. To Australian standards, anyway.

What's the best thing about winter? Nice, hot food. Piping hot baths (if you add herbs and salt you can have boiled Lady Renegade for supper). Not having to religiously shave legs. Smokey, dramatic makeup. Thick fluffy sweaters. Endless hours spent in the library whilst it's pouring buckets outside.

The worst thing about winter? Those days that mock you. Despite popular belief, I am actually quite tolerant of cold - providing that there is some visual signs of cold, like gloomy clouds or raging storms or bucketfuls of pelting rain. I can endure below freezing provided that there's at least a light dusting of snow.

But I can't stand those days when the sun glares at you, the sky is cloudless and a deep blue, and it's F**KING FREEZING. They're the most horrible days. You stand in the sun and pray for it to warm you, but it doesn't, it just blinds you. I really, truly, hate those days.

There are other bad things about winter as well. Sundresses stare at you sadly whilst you dig for your jeans. Getting out of bed at six in the morning feels as natural as waking up at midnight and realizing you're naked in an igloo in the middle of a snowstorm somewhere in the Arctic Circle. Sometimes your fingers get so cold you just want to amputate them. Swearing at your sandwiches hoping that they'll somehow buckle under the pressure and turn into a proper meal. Walking past the canteen and SMELLING THE HOT FOOD....and then realizing you're too poor to afford paying like a squillion dollars for a centimetre square of lasagne.

But we are weird creatures, you know. Brunettes crave blonde hair, blondes crave brown hair. Men wish to be women and women wish to be men. When it's winter we want it to be summer, when it's summer we want it to be winter. When we've got nothing to do we're 'bored' but when we've got stuff to do we're 'stressed'. When we fail a test we're sad, when we pass a test we wish that we had done better. We're never happy with ourselves, or each other, or the world.

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