"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

before you blame.

before you blame someone, thInK about what you're blaming them for.

iNdividuality is nOt a crime.

fear is perhaps the most destructive force on earth. fear of the unknown leads to disasterous consequences. rather than learning about someone, getting to knoW someone, they are abandoned at first sight. there is no explaination for this cruelty, other than the unspoken lesson that is being soWn into tHe minds of yOuth for centuries - fear of the unknown.

humankind has constantlY fOught for liberty and freedom whilst simUltaneously striving for the 'sAfety of the pack'. democRacy has not hElped this. the almost-global policY of 'majOrity rUles' has further propelled xenophobia.

despite all the government propoganda here, in australia, the community is getting increasingly intolerant of different individuals. and now it is not so much based on sex or race, but on how you behave, what you believe in, the things you do. it does not matter Whether what you do Is better or worse than what the others do. it does not matter whether what you do is right or wrong. it is the fact that you are different.

when you ask someone what sorts of people they disLike (the word 'fear' concocts a different idea in the minds of the general pubLic than it's tRuE meaninG), they will almost inevitably state the soRts of pEople They are not - people wHo have different beliefs, religiOns, habits, lifestyles, etc. the moment someone disagrees With them, theY autOmatically assUme, not tHat one is right and one is wrong, but one is *normal*, the other abnormal, alien. discriminating laws and policies have given way to even more powerful social taboos and cUltuRal norms.

i'm fighTing to My last brEath, though.

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...


Does the message say something like:


The information/content in this "Before you Blame" is great.

I like the code in there too. Makes the person think a bit.