"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Saturday, April 30, 2011


I know there has been a lot of stuff going on lately, and I'm sorry I haven't been blogging or brain farting recently. To tell you the truth, I was just too damn lazy. Also, my Grenade post was clearly a huge hit, and I wanted to wait until all the media coverage died down before I released another comment-less fiasco.

It's the holidays at the moment, but I'm rather annoyed that we only get one full week of holidays - so basically we had two days of school on the last week of term (what do you do in a two-day last week? Seriously.), then next week we have to go back to school on Thursday. But anyway, this post wasn't to criticize the education department, but nonetheless YOU SUCK.

Yesterday, of course, was the royal wedding of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge, as we now must call them. Personally, I think Prince Will and Princess Kate will stick better than D and D of C. Oh, and FYI, BBC, please check your facts before spewing them out on the international telecast. The Princess Lalla Salma is the princess consort of the King of Morocco, not a Princess of Thailand.

The wedding was considered very modern, in that it made the normal modern omissions in the vows - like the bride promising to 'obey' her husband. But I still don't like the giving away. Call me radical, but a bride is not a horse that is bought by the groom and sold by the father.

Other things making news is the Australian immigration policy and how the government has completely fucked things up. I know we're all racist butheads who can't stand blacks and Indians and Muslims getting into the country, but seriously, what do you expect from people who have been locked up indefinitely just because they want a better life? Of course they're going to riot. And Colin Barnett, don't kid yourself. You don't know anything about pain.

I don't applaud the riots in the Detention Centres, I disagree with the whole notion of mandatory detention for refugees in the first place. As I've said before, we are a wealthy country that needs the labour and societal contribution of foreigners, and yes, that includes refugees. And so what if they're a bit different from us - suck it up, you stupid white supremacists. We are no better than they are. We don't chose the lives we are born into, but we can change them. All these people want is a chance, not to be locked up like murderers. It's a bit rich that we, a flourishing democratic nation, should look down our noses to people who have lived the most wretched existance, and far from helping them, we accuse them of being criminals to this point, this breaking point where they have started behaving like criminals.

So there you are. It's like a wedding and a funeral.

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

And here I was thinking that Prince Albert was dating this South African swimmer or athlete.


The wedding and the funeral.

Was quite unexpectedly touched by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.