"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Thursday, November 26, 2009


It is so disgusting, in this day and age, that feminism is frowned upon in most societies.

I mean, this isn't the middle ages. This 2009.

Because, face the facts, men and women are far from equal. Anyone who thinks that we are now equal and that feminists should keep their mouths shut should think of all those women in places like Africa, India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, and all those other places where women are silenced and their rights abused and non-existant. You think about every single one of those women before you say that women now have their rightful place in this world. You think about women, even in the most civilized and sophisticated of societies, who's rights are still not equal to that of men's.

The common assumption is that all feminists are agressive, power-hungry bitches who won't stop until all men have been suppressed to slavery. And trust me, I've heard all of it: feminists hate men, feminists are all lesbians, feminists all hate children...I've heard all of this said to my face, and it's disgusting. We don't call any other group of people degratory terms like that, simply because they fight for what they believe in. It's all very well to say that men were born to rule and that it is a woman's place to listen and be obedient, but you put yourselves in our shoes. We didn't ask to be born women - in fact, I've openly admitted that I'd much rather have been born a man. So why should we be punished for something that is out of our control?

Me? I'm a feminist, and bloody proud of it. I'll be a feminist to the day I die. I'll be a feminist whilst every fucking bastard who is a fucking male chauvinist contaminates perfectly good air by breathing.

I'm a feminist no matter what.

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