"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Friday, December 24, 2010

There are three kinds of people in the world.

The janitors, the backup dancers and the star.

Janitors are those people who make a general nuisance of themselves, hate the world and end up as janitors - I'm not talking about those immigrants that are forced to become janitors because people in Australia can't see past black skin, foreign customs and a lack of a common language to a good brain. No these janitors were probably the popular kids at school, trampled on everyone else, dumped every second partner, probably shattering endless amounts of marriage and baby dreams, and so deserve what they get.

I don't feel sorry for these janitors.

Unfortunately for the world, there are too many of these 'janitors'.

There are also too many backup dancers.

Backup dancers are nice people, but they're chicken. It's not cool to be smart, no, so you'll pretend to be dumb. It's not cool to brag that you're a size eight so you'll go on and on about how fat your thighs are. You hate people who 'show off' and 'win prizes' - I mean, who gets a boyfriend and a normal job that way?

These people annoy me, because they aim too low. They only aim to be the random hot people dancing behind the person behind the mic when they really could be, with a bit of confidence and thick skin, the person behind the mic.

Then there are the last kind of people: the stars.

Granted, these people sometimes don't make it and fall into a fourth sub-category known as 'losers' - but I don't like to talk about that category much. Stars are undervalued, overworked, underfed, abused, degraded...until they can make shitloads of money and then people love them.

There is no comfort in being normal, not for me, anyway. What's the point of enduring all the hardships of life is all you get is to be yet another gravestone in yet another graveyard? Why would you settle for being the backup dancer, when you can be the person who's actually under the spotlight? Is it really worth keeping the popular girls (who will end up as janitors) happy, is it really worth trying to impress that buff brainless jock (who will also end up as a janitor)? By trying to impress people who will only end up as janitors, by trying to fit in with people who will only end up as backup dancers, you're forfeiting your chance to be the star.

So yeah, I know, when you aim big you can fall flat on your face and people will laugh at you. People will tell you you're too fat, too young, too untalented, too whatever, and they won't believe you can do it until you can (and they'll still be in denial. They'll tell you 'you got lucky', or that someone called God had anything to do with it.)

So, if you're a backup dancer, you can't hate the star. You've got to make sacrifices - a chance at a life people will remember, or a chance at social normality. Sheldon Cooper and I both know what to choose.

That was a total waste of my time. I know.

P.S. only *one* person found it *cool* that I got out of hospital? Gee, thanks.

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

It was probably me who voted there (in regard to your hospital post).

(And the thoughts you had while there got me quite hot!)

Interesting typification/stratification here.

I would probably consider myself a backup dancer who, had I not made certain choices, might have been a janitor and been considered a loser.

Shelton Cooper knows how to choose. Many of the recent episodes of Big Bang Theory have his girlfriend in there. And he knows there's more to physical attraction and magnetism than can be shown on TV.

(Hope you're watching some of Sleek Geeks).

Personally I like to keep an open mind on who ends up as whom, because we all have the potential within us.