"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Monday, March 07, 2011

The Lazy Girl's Iced Coffee

Something I make when it's too hot for a hot coffee, you can't be stuffed getting the proper stuff from a cafe and you're more inclined to induldge your tastebuds than save your waistline.

The Lazy Girl's Iced Coffee:

1 Glass, moderately large, capable of containing small amounts of boiling water without cracking.
A generous splash of boiling water
Instant coffee powder, to taste
Sugar, to taste
Ice cubes
Vanilla ice cream

Place coffee powder and sugar into glass (iced coffee must have a 1:1 ration of coffee:sugar, as sugar is less potent in cold drinks) and add enough hot water to dissolve both. Add one ice cube and stir until fully dissolved, and repeat until the ice cube takes a considerable length of time to dissolve and the glass is cool to the touch. Add desired amount of ice cream and top up with milk and/or water. Stir.

Flat white: half water/half milk
Latte: milk only
Macchiato: water with a dash of milk
Affogato: ice cream only
Americano: water only
Cappuccino: make a latte or a flat white, then take a straw and blow bubbles.
Bad-arse: Replace either water or milk with liqueur.

Normal iced coffee: One teaspoon coffee/one teaspoon sugar
Strong coffee: Two teaspoons coffee/ two teaspoons sugar
Good girl's coffee: Two teaspoons coffee/one teaspoon sugar
Bad girl's coffee: One teaspoon coffee/two teaspon sugar
All-nighter: Three teaspoons coffee/three teaspoons sugar
Mocha: One teaspoon coffee/one teaspoon sugar/one teaspoon hot chocolate powder
Need an excuse to chuck a sicky tomorrow, and the year after that: four teaspoons coffee/four teaspoons sugar

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