"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Saturday, December 06, 2008

Why Can't A Man Be More Like A Woman?

I just took the words right out of Henry Higgins' mouth and inverted them. Why can't a man be more like a woman?

Okay, I don't really mean it that way. If we didn't have men women wouldn't have crushes, or boyfriends, or fiances, or husbands, they wouldn't have someone to kiss and they wouldn't have someone to nag or hug or a shoulder to cry on.

So I'm not saying we should exterminate all men, or sex change them all, for that matter. I just mean that men need to learn more from women, and not go 'I'm a man and so bloody charged up with testosterone that I can do any bloody thing and I want and it will be so bloody right that I will be hailed as a bloody saviour'

Things just don't work that way.

Men aren't sympathetic for women. Women are sensitive, in one way or another, and are delicate - either physically, mentally or emotionally, or all three. Women go through tough times - unrequited love, crushes, bad boyfriends, getting dumped, PMS, childbirth - you name it women have to go through it - wherelse men just seem to wake up, get dressed in a suit that looks exactly the same to all other five suits they have, put on a tie that looks exactly the same to all other five hundred they have, go to work, come home, grumbling about dodgy buses or lousy collegues, get changed, and go out with mates! Then come home drunk, rant about how lousy the beer or the music at the pub down the road was, then fall asleep, keeping their poor wife, who has probably been slaving all day, awake by snoring as loud as they can! If you can call that snoring - men don't snore, they impersonate chainsaws.

If a woman says she has a stomach ache, it's not from food poisoning. If she says she doesn't want to swim, it's not because the water is too cold. If she's grumpy, it's not because she hasn't had enough sleep. If she screams at you, it's not your fault (actually, it is, but anyway...). If she stains the sheets, it's not because she wet the bed.

Women have it tough. The pressure to be sexy is ever present and crippling. Men have to be understanding, kind, sympathetic.

Everything they're not.


La Pianista said...

Sometimes I ask the opposite - why can't some women be like men? I mean, yes, some dudes can be insensitive, but women can be so wishy-washy. I hate it when a girly friend of mine comes up whimpering because of some complicated gossip-whatcha-ma-call-it.

Anonymous said...

when i say that man should be more like a woman i was actually thinking of women like me, or women like me that aren't nearly so crazy. those damsel-in-distress-esque girls make me sick.

La Pianista said...

Hey, LR.

Can't post a comment on your blog. What happened? :\ I get this message:

Comments on this blog are restricted to team members.
You're currently logged in as La Pianista. You may not comment with this account.


La Pianista said...

I mean your other blog, of course. :)

Anonymous said...

Ni Hao

I agree with La Pianista. Why cant women be more like men. Especially the girls at my school(except for Bethany). I mean, besides Bethany, men are better looking.

BSC(Black Shirt CHERUB)

P.S. Miss Me Guys And Gals?

Anonymous said...

Um, gee, i'm not sure..

one reason could be that you haven't accepted the invitation, or because i've only invited you as a reader and not an author. i dunno.

but you can still email me! i'd love to get some feedback on my latest blog.

La Pianista said...

I think you just have to list me as a "Team Member"...whatever that is. It keeps a list of those members on your profile - which is blank for now.

I'd love to give you feedback, too! I think using the blog would be easier, though.

One thing I hope you don't mind me mentioning - the colors you picked are a little hard on my eyes. Red against black - ow. :)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
La Pianista said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Why are you being so harsh?

Anonymous said...

hah, sorry, BSC and i were in a fight. i'll delete that comment.