"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Dodgy Advertising

One thing that always fascinated me is how manufacturors (or however the hell you spell that. Who the hell thought up such a stupid name?) use colours and language to give the illusion that their super-expensive flashy product is so much better than the cheaper, simpler-packaged product next to it.

And it's also always suprised me how people think they can get away with dodgy advertising.

For example, Neutrogena released a new skincare line called Rapid Clear or something like that, complete with a flashy advert featuring Vanessa Hudgens and the whole tacky 'do you wanna know my secret?' tagline. The whole idea is that these miracle products could produce visible results in eight hours, or you get your money back.

Obviously they started losing money real fast - I tried it, twenty four hours later and nothing happened - so they dropped the money back bit.

Then they dropped the eight hours bit.

I'm sorry, but isn't that a little bit obvious? They could have done that with a little more tact and subtlety, but obviously that's beyond salespeople these days. And, come to think of it, why would anyone bother making a miracle cure to acne? Because if they did launch a line that was so fast and so effective, then they'd be out of business. I mean, they invented the longest-lasting lightbulb ages ago and it's still glowing, but they haven't released it or it'll turn the lightbulb market upside-down. Apparently they invented the green car ages ago as well, but instead of releasing it and saving the environment, they decided to keep the cash flow going steady instead.

I don't know, it's almost like they're willing to see the end of the world, providing they die rich.


Adelaide Dupont said...

I think it is spelt manufacturers. Latin's fault, as well as whatever dialect of French was creeping through the English language, as it is the case with most job titles.

When I was thirteen I didn't use any commercial goo on my face. Just water.

PeculiarCuriousitiesTeam said...

It's spelled "manufacturers"... at least that me speaking.

I agree. Did you know about Edward Bernay (or however you spell his name) the guy who invented mass advertising in the 1920s and is responsible for the deaths of any woman who died due to smoking? Blame him.