"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Greed does get you somewhere.

I know all adults and teachers (two seperate species. One is annoying because they feel obligated to and the other is paid to be annoying) want us to be sweet, innocent children with fair looks and kind hearts, ignorant and innocent to greed, pride and envy.

But the thing is, in this world you need more than fair looks and a kind heart. You need determination, perseverance and spirit, all three of which are varying amounts of greed, pride and envy put together.

Without greed there is no will. We must be greedy for knowledge, we must be greedy to take what is there to be taken. Some people try and make it sound nice and say that we're 'eager' or 'thirsty' for knowledge, but it's all the same thing.

Without pride then you have no drive to do things, and nothing that can get injured so badly that it inspires you to rise above the possible, rise above the impossible, even. And without pride, you get no reward for your efforts.

Envy is also vital to push you forward - sometimes too much satisfaction can kill dreams. Envy gives you reason, gives you motive, gives you spirit.

I know schools can't teach that, so I'm telling you now.


Adelaide Dupont said...

Loved your thoughts on greed.

Papa and I talked about greed because of Halloween, in "America, where greed is good" ...

I thought it was because of the will that you developed greed, pride and envy. That was a very Christian thing to think, because I was guided that way ethically.

La Pianista said...

Actually, my piano prof *invites* me to bite back and stand up to his opinions. I kill his ideas all the time, and we get into debates more often than not. And, of course, he encourages me to be greedy for more music and knowledge.

LR, bite me back if you like, but reading through all your posts, you seem pretty bitter about society in general. A young cynic we have here, don't we? ;)

Nah, I kid. 90% of the time, you're right.

Anyways, the deal is, more than half the people on this planet are planning on giving you a hard time. Most of them don't mean to, but there is always the good-for-nothing, attention-hogging bitches who have nothing better to do with their time than to find someone to talk down on and/or completely ignore. Just to feel superior.

The best way to live life is to make it difficult for them to give you a hard time, you see. Stay considerate and thoughtful, but...stop caring. :) Be nice to the people (wow, did I just say that? Yes I did.) Be nice to the chauvinists, the jealous girls, the mean teachers. I don't have to tell you not to kiss up or overdo it - you know what I mean. ;)

Accept the fact that there will be horrible people in this world. But be wary of becoming an over-zealous feminist and stereotyper. Not that you are any of those things. My goodness, you don't even come close.

But staying open-minded and refraining from relentlessly attacking the world in general saves you a lot of stress, not to mention also earns you quite a bit of reputation for being mature, not just precociously sassy.

Again, I am preaching. I think you know what I mean, though.

La Pianista said...

Oh, and as an aside, I have a new account to go with my new email. My new username is ThatRachGirl - look out for that one.

IsThereALimitToTheNumberOfCharactersICanUseInMyUsernameIGuessNotWowThisIsSoMuchFun said...

Hey, LR - this is Pianista. I have a new blog, of course. Quite a humble fixture for now, but perhaps you could re-invite me to your other private blogs. I'd be glad. :)
