"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

things adults tell us that don't make any sense.

1. Never give up.

The only thing worse than losing a battle is fighting a losing battle. It's a lose-lose situation. Not only are you an idiot for losing, you're an idiot for fighting in the first place. The whole fight or die situation is such a male oriented way of thinking - there are so many ways around that.

I believe that if it is a fight between two intelligent parties, no-one truly wins or truly loses. The loser always comes back and bites the winner on the bum. So, sometimes it is smart to accept defeat and seek revenge later. Which leads me to number two on my list:

2. Never seek revenge.

What kind of stupid advice is that? I'm atheist, non-religious, agnostic - whatever, I don't believe in God, or karma. I believe if you want revenge, you have to get revenge. And wanting revenge is normal, natural and healthy, no matter what they tell you. If someone's wronged you, then it's well within your rights to fight back in a way that they can't retaliate against.

3. Never lie.

If anyone tells you that, look them straight in the eyes and ask them if they've ever lied. If they say no, then they're lying. Simple as that.

4. Both sexes are equal now.

The treatment of the two sexes is not equal, and never will be. One, because there will always be sexist attitudes, and two, because it's simply not possible. We can't make men have babies or women have male ego problems, and that's that.

5. Your parents know what's best for you.

Trust me. No-one knows what's best for you, not even you. You are the only person who knows what you want, or at least what you think you want. That's all you'll ever get. No-one knows what's best for you, except you. If you don't know what's best for you, then tough.


Adelaide Dupont said...

I'm an adult and some of those things don't make sense either, so I don't believe in them or try to tell children them, especially for some of the arguments that you have raised here.

And it's important to be careful with statements that have 'always' or 'never'. It can be better to temper them with 'may' or 'most' or 'can' or 'in my experience'.

C.S said...

I don't get why you want revenge so much.
What's the point?

The Lion said...

love the lying one and the knowing what's best for you. laughed at the truth in it all.