"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


you are all store-bought
instant gratification.

but there is no depth,
no complexity;
merely sickening sweetness.
i the connoisseur
am left wanting,
just searching,
never finding.

you're sweetly wrapped
but not worth my time;
a penny today, tomorrow a dime.

i am not
as you are.
i know what i am.
my caramel has battlescars
but i am not afraid. 
can your chocolateyes look at mine
and repeat that?
chocolate melts in fire.

you are
you are a beautiful sculpture
and then put together.

so hollow.
so empty.
so shallow.
you do not seek as i do,
you are scared of what i know.
and i know you better than you think.

you make me sick,
but you cannot see pain,
because you are afraid of flame.
all you see
from me
is a sugarcoatedsmile.
and a chocolatetear.

so go find your
i am made of stronger stuff
than brittle

CONTEXT: I offered a boy a chocolate because, you know, I don't like chocolate. But such is the world that Random Acts of Kindness are not appreciated. He probably thought I poisoned it. I thought he was being a bit shallow, and I got offended. So I wrote a poem. As you do.

1 comment:

Adelaide Dupont said...

As you do. ;*).

Do you think he would like licorice, or peppermints or a hard-boiled, sour candy/lolly?

(Follow him through the shop and see what he does like/react positively to :-) ).

Now about the poem: very experimental!

And I have found those columbines so very very hard. More for sucking than for chewing. They do seem to provoke desire.

"my caramel has battle scars
but i am not afraid
can your chocolate eyes look at mine
and repeat that?
chocolate melts in fire".

Store-bought sweets are not the same as those forged in fire.

(Peanut brittle! And then there is a marshmallow crackle).

(I do like chocolate and am not particularly discerning or sophisticated in my tastes. The wrapping, though? Deeply infuriating. With a twist and a turn...).

Another verse I enjoyed:

"you make me sick,
but you cannot see pain,
because you are afraid of flame."