"I don't think that being a strong person is about ignoring your emotions and fighting your feelings. Putting on a brave face doesn't mean you're a brave person. That's why everybody in my life knows everything that I'm going through. I can't hide anything from them. People need to realise that being open isn't the same as being weak."

- Taylor Swift

Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Mood: frustrated
Listening to: 'Umbrella' by Rihanna feat. Jay-Z
Hungry for: I don't know. Friendship. Love. Acceptance. Pizza. Anything.

I hate hypocrites.

A lot of people, who have all the tact in the world, often ask me bluntly "Why do you have no friends?".

Because that's what all nice, normal, friendly people do to display nice, normal, friendly behaviour.

I'm not going to waste everybody's time by claiming I'm the most popular girl to walk the planet, because I know that's not true. I'm not even going to waste my time explaining that I do have friends, just not as many as most people do, and that I do love them, a lot. I just want to say that you can't blame me for being unfriendly if you're the one that doesn't return my calls. You can't say that I'm the unsociable one when you ignore me when I say 'hi'. You can't say that I don't try when I try so hard and all you do is push me away.

Because, newflash everybody, but I am a normal person. Before I becamse a rebellious i-don't-care girl, before I became Lady Renegade, all I wanted was love and acceptance. I know Lady Renegade doesn't care about that kind of stuff, but I still do. I still crave it so much it makes me cry.

So don't you dare tell me I'm a cold heartless bitch, because that's exactly what *you* are. You're just a cold, heartless bitch. Do you think I got where I am by choice? What do you think this is, some kind of publicity stunt?

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